Monday, January 20, 2014

Free Downline Members Guaranteed Xplocial Team Building

Join my xplocial team and I will help you get at least 2 paid signups if you decide to become an Xplocial affiliate

Its is a common trait that most people want to start their own homebased business but are always put of by the hard work they have to put in.

These are mostly individuals that are desperate to start making money online and will try anything the so called "make money online" marketing guru sell them. 

Xplocial does not have any surprising upsell items along the way, you simply sign up for Gold or Platinum and start making money right away if you can find only 4 others who want to join Xplocial.  

You are not expected to recruit any new members to Xplocial but it would be kinda wise to have the option to recruit new members if you have the ability to do so. But then that also means you have to pay the reseller fee of $24.95 every month on top of your monthly membership fee. If you don't want this option, then you 'll just pay your membership fee and enjoy the savings. 

Prospecting for a multi level marketing company is not easy and in most cases, people will tell you that they are not interested in joining the "Xplocial scam" or a "Xplocial pyramid scheme"
Some prospects have gone as far as calling it the "Xplocial ponzie scheme". 

So you can understand why they will be very reluctant about joining this wonderful homebased business opportunity. 
Think of recruiting for Xplocial as if you are recruiting new members into an insurance company. You all know how persistance those insurance agents are...Put on their shoes when recruiting for Xplocial or any other MLM and you will always succeed. 

If you are looking to join for its residual income, then you will have to put on the insurance agents shoes and be prepared to walk the distance. If you are the lazy kind, then comment your affiliate link below this post so that other members looking for their first 4 memebes can find you. 

Steps to follow to join the Xplocial Co-op
1. Read this post
2. Comment you Xplocial affiliate link on this post
3. Learn the affiliate products and how they are ised
4. Put on the insurance agent's shoes and start walking the distance
5. Start making money

Remember that you only need 65 Platinum members in your downline to earn $100 620 per year. They don't all need to be your direct recruits, some will be passups from your downline. 

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